17th September 2024
Committee Meeting
Meeting 17th September 2024, Village Inn at 18:15
Marina (Chair)
Euan (Minutes)
1. Approval of previous minutes
a. All tasks complete.
b. Meeting was decided to be moved till 17/09/24 due to holidays and fast moving pace of
tasks required to be put in place prior to the service opening.
c. Confirmed that we can access the school tomorrow for the final check and setup before
start of service.
2. Visit to school and confirm arrangements
a. Organise time for induction on 23rd Sept - Marina and Carol to confirm with school.
b. Breakfast club times for breakfast confirmed as Hall is in use for assemblies etc. Breakfast
club starts at 7:45, staff in at 7:30. Setup Thursday evening prior to breakfast club?
c. Fire safety confirmation.
d. School have been advised of numbers.
e. Allergy board checklist (pin board).
f. Populate parents numbers into phone.
g. Cleaning arrangements confirmed.
h. Confirm filing cabinet arrangements.
i. Extra toys been acquired by Michelle.
j. Confirm kitchen allocations and fridge use.
k. Check snacks area and tables.
l. Discuss arrangements for moving children from classes to OOSC.
m. Shed construction and padlock complete, thanks to Dave, Graham and Euan.
n. Check areas for staff belongings and where they can be stored.
3. Staff arrangements
a. Training - child protection and safeguarding still to be confirmed.
b. Online training courses available for certain courses e.g. child protection, food hygiene,
data protection.
c. Training can be carried out while volunteer with PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) is in
assistance in the premises.
d. First aid course bonus, we have another bank staff member joining the ranks.
e. PVG to be carried out for bank staff.
f. Health & Safety (H&S) representative appointed is Jo. Law poster needs addition for
g. Add Out of school care pictures to notice board.
h. NAC is going to organise trauma informed practice.
i. Uniforms ordered.
j. Laptop sorted, phone sorted.
k. Payroll and pensions sorted. HMRC waiting on a PAYE number.
l. First aider appointed as Jo
m. Employee handbook, Euan to draft.
n. Children’s registrations all done, waiting on one to come through and be added.
o. Forms for daily attendance need to be kept.
p. Collection procedure form to allow all teachers to be aware of procedure.
4. Club arrangements
a. Care inspectorate application
i. A ton of policies required with 5 outstanding
ii. One outstanding from NAC along with fire safety
iii. Amazing work from Marina to do all of this
iv. All policies to be loaded to the laptop.
b. Website to be updated with relevant policies, privacy notice, handbook.
c. Website registration and online forms - Ellen/Graham to look into how to take forward,
Carol to supply blank forms.
d. Insurances in place.
e. Clubs financial status update.
f. Euan required to go to Tunnocks for pick up.
h. Explore opportunities with other community groups, volunteers.
i. Volunteers have come forward for art / craft club. Thank you!
j. 2 volunteers in the system with PVG in progress.
k. PPE gloves and aprons for infection control, nappy sacks etc in place.
l. Sunhats, bad weather wellies and sun cream to be added to newsletters etc.
m. Can we have use of waterproof suits?
5. Name of the club
a. A few suggestions for the name, children to think of some and then the children will vote.
6. Holiday structure organisation to be discussed at next meeting
7. Next date of meeting
a. Via WhatsApp date to be arranged
Meeting closed 21:00