18th June 2024

Committee Meeting

Meeting 18th June 2024, Village Inn at 18:15

Sue (Chair)
Euan (Minutes)

1. Updates on the viewing of the school premises visited by Euan and Carol
An extra room which we were not aware of (music room) had been discovered, the capacity
of the library and the Gym hall have been confirmed to allow us to calculate maximum
Gym hall has a capacity of 55 children and library has a capacity of 15.
Confirmation that food not allowed in library, due to carpet.
Sessional staff will be required to allow for summer care provision to be given.
We believe that 30 would be a good number for the holiday club which can be based on
usage of the gym hall.

2. Other topics of discussion which we need clarification on
a. Fridge access needs to be enquired about, if no access then possibility of needing to
purchase a fridge and confirm where this can be stored.
b. Confirm storage areas available for use inside and outside
c. Need to know size of area and any limitations for shed/storage
d. Papers etc would need to be kept inside in a lockable storage either mobile or on site.
e. Possibility of bean bags for comfort area which we would allow use by school
f. No details of the school roll, we believe that there is 110 pupils currently.
g. Unsure of size of numbers with regards to school capacity.

3. Policies and training
a. The food policy is contained in the document pack which we are looking to purchase once
funding is available. The document pack although originating from England should still be
relevant for our needs.
b. North Ayrshire Council advised that we have access to most training courses that they
have running.
c. Discussed that we are aiming to have PVG in place and our policy agreed prior to startup.
PVG’s are being setup around 4th July after Carol has had her training. Carol will advise
what information is required and will contact via email.
Website to be updated once up and running.

4. Funding
a. We have a start up grant from the council.
b. Bank account has been setup successfully.
c. Various funding applications submitted.
d. Funding Flyer to approach local businesses and also a parental flyer to advise parents of
our existence to generate more support. We need a confirmation of design, tight timescales
to have these produced before the end of this week.

5. Accounting/Payroll/Pension
Discussion around the setting up of payroll and pension scheme for employees.
This has been Included in the startup costs shown in the business plan.

6. Other
In our business plan we are looking to foster a community links. It will be extremely
beneficial to involve the local community and help to extend the links the school already has.
We also confirmed that we are setup as a voluntary organisation and not a CIC as there was
some confusion as to our status and what funding we were able to apply for.

7. Date set for next meeting
30th of July for next meeting 6:15 village inn

Meeting closed 20:30